Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK Day/stuffed pork chops

Happy MLK Day! Instead of enjoying the last day of my long weekend I spent it repairing and cleaning. My day started at 5 a.m. when my brother's alarm went off because he had set it wrong. I fell back to sleep and around 6:30 my guinea pig, Joaquin, begins his morning laps about his house. I fell back to sleep again and around 8 my dad comes in to wake me up. I jump in the shower, the quickest one I've ever taken, and get dressed. I was in a hurry because of the pancakes and coffee waiting for me at the kitchen table. I don't like syrup on my pancakes, by the way. Next is the feeding of the swine, Bailey and Ruby. It went pretty smoothly despite my falling over the fence. We are running low on food. The nozzle on the hose has a crack in it and water sprayed EVERYWHERE when I turned it on. After settling the mad jostle for the first bite of food, I am off to feed the cats. Maggie May, Lucy, and Brenna are impatiently awaiting the arrival of their breakfast. Dracula is nowhere to be found because guess what time it is...Kitty Mating Season! Around this time of the year, all of the testosterone fueled felines prowl the neighborhood looking for a feminine feline to 'court'. There were numerous scuffles today among the three males of the property: Dracula and the two strays I have dubbed Charleigh and Jenkins. All over the lovely, striped Maggie May. Next on the chickens. Ruthy Sanchez, Flower, Caroline, and Abbie were causing a ruckus. When I further investigated I saw nothing. So I guess they were just feeling frisky this morning. One hen finally laid an egg! It's been months! Unfortunately it was broken. Next I fed the dogs, Molly and Dakota, and then Joaquin and Sammy the Sulcata. The tractor had been down for a couple of weeks and we finally fixed it today! First off, this tractor is 27 years old. It's a miracle it's still running. It took over 4 hours to repair it and a lot of colorful words from my dad and finally it was running again! I then scrubbed the muddy cat prints from the porch railings and washed a few windows. The rest of the day was uneventful until my madre and padre surprised me with a new pair of Raybans! They're black and white. For dinner, we had pork chops stuffed with feta and pine nuts. They were pretty good despite the fact that I'm not a huge fan of pork chops. Other news...I will be attending the National Goat Expo and my Aunt Julie's pig just gave birth to a bunch of little piggies!

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