Saturday, January 21, 2012


  Wednesday, my mom and I had a meeting with my school guidance counselor about doing dual enrollment. Which is where you attend college while you are in high school and you get college and high school credits. She said I was right on track and gave us the necessary forms. I am hoping to attend Georgia Highlands but it all depends on the ACT, which is the test I have to take. The deadline is April 1st and I can take the ACT in March. The only problem is, it takes forever to be graded. So if it's too late, I will be going to the tech school. Since the tech school doesn't offer the course I would like to take, I'll be taking a math class throughout my junior and senior year in high school. That way, I'll have my math done and I only have science and English left to take before I can continue on to med. school. I'm super excited! I really hope I can go to Georgia Highlands! :)

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